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Privacy Policy

Connections Insurance Group.com wants to help you better understand how we collect, use, protect, and share your personal data. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand your privacy choices when you visit our site or use our services. It does not apply to other websites or services that we do not control, including websites or services of other Connections Insurance Group.com users.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and forms an integral part of, the Connections Insurance Group.com Terms of Service. The meaning of any capitalized term can be found in the Definitions section. Other terms may be defined in the Terms of Service. Please note that our services may vary by region. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully and take the time to get to know our practices. If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at info@Connections Insurance Group .com .

    Privacy Shield. Connections Insurance Group.com complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union and Switzerland to the United States. Connections Insurance Group.com has certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit the U.S. Department of Commerce site at https://www.privacyshield.gov/

    Connections Insurance Group.com is responsible for all onward transfers of Personal Data to third parties in accordance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.
        Information Types.
            “Account Information” means data about how and when a Connections Insurance Group.com account is accessed and the features used.
            “Browser Information” means provided by a browser, including the IP address, the website visited, network connection, device information, and other data, including Cookies.
            “Contact Information” means basic personal details, including such information as first and last name, company name, email address, postal address, phone number, and may include social media account information.
            “Payment Information” means, for example, credit card, ACH or other payment information.
            “Security Information” means user ID, password and password hints, and other security information used for authentication and account access.
            “Support Information” includes hardware, software, authentication data, chat session contents, error reports, performance data, and other communication or technical information and may, with express permission, include remote access to facilitate troubleshooting.
            “Transaction Information” means the data related to transactions that occur on our platform, including product, order, shipping information, Contact Information, and Payment Information.
        “Automated Decision Making” means a decision made solely by automated means without human involvement.
        “Controller” means an entity that determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data.
        “Cookie” a small file that resides on your computer’s hard drive that often contains an anonymous unique identifier that is accessible by the website that placed it there, but is not accessible by other sites.
        “Merchant” means an entity that has using Connections Insurance Group.com Services for ecommerce.
        “Partner” means a separate legal entity that is a participant in our Design and Solution Partner (DSP) Program, our Technology Partner Program or other third-party technology integration with the Connections Insurance Group.com platform, a theme designer, reseller, or referrer of the Services.
        “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person identifiable information under applicable data protection laws and regulations.
        “Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon Personal Data, whether or not by automatic means, including, but not limited to, alteration, collection, organization, recording, retrieval, storage, transmission, and use.
        “Processor” means the entity which processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller
        “Sensitive Personal Data” means any data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, or data concerning health or a natural person’s sex life and/or sexual orientation.
        “Shopper” means an entity that interacts with the ecommerce offering of a Merchant through the Connections Insurance Group.com platform.
        Merchant Policies. Merchants should help Shoppers understand how the Merchant and Connections Insurance Group.com collect and process their Personal Data. To that end, Merchants must:  

post an accurate privacy policy on their storefront that complies with all applicable laws and regulations;
            obtain informed consent from Shoppers for the use and access of their Personal Data by Connections Insurance Group.com and other third parties; and
            if the Merchant is collecting any Sensitive Personal Data from Shoppers, obtain affirmative, explicit, and informed consent and allow such Shoppers to revoke their consent to the use and access of Sensitive Personal Data at any time.
        Information Collected. When a Merchant interacts with our Website, for example, by signing up for a trial, a subscription, or a newsletter, or performing transactions, Connections Insurance Group.com may collect and control information such as Account Information, Browser Information, Contact Information, Payment Information, Support Information, and Security Information.
        Information Usage. We use this information to provide Merchants with our Services, confirm identities, provide support, for advertising and marketing, invoicing, to resolve incidents related to the use of our Website and Services, to improve and personalize our Services, and to comply with legal requirements. We may use this information in other cases where we have received express permission.
        Information Collected. When a Partner signs up for a partner account or signs up a Merchant for our Services, Connections Insurance Group.com may collect and control information such as Account Information, Browser Information, Contact Information, Payment Information, Support Information, and Security Information.
        Information Usage. We use this information to provide Partners with our Services, confirm identities, provide support, for advertising and marketing, invoicing, to resolve incidents related to the use of our Website and Services, to improve and personalize our Services, and to comply with legal requirements. We may use this information in other cases where we have received express permission.
        Information Collected. When Shoppers interact with a Merchant’s ecommerce offering through the Connections Insurance Group.com platform, we may collect and process Browser Information and Transaction Information of the Shopper on behalf of the Merchant.
        Information Usage. We use this information as a Processor to provide our Services to Merchants, support and process orders, improve and personalize our Services, and manage risk and fraud.
        When visitors browse our Website, or engage in communications with us online or offline, we may collect and control, as applicable, Browser Information, Support Information, and Contact Information submitted or communicated to us.
        We use this information to provide our Services, and improve and personalize communications, interactions, our Services, and provide support if needed.
        Promotional. We may deliver and personalize our communications with Merchants,  Partners, and visitors. For example, we may notify a Merchant by email or other means when a subscription is ending, or invite the recipient to participate in a survey. For information about managing email subscriptions and promotional communications, please go to our email preferences page.
        Account. We send certain required communications, such as account notices or information, to users of our Services. You may not opt out of receiving these communications if you have an active storefront.
    Information Sharing.
    Our Services are possible because of a variety of third parties and service providers. Sometimes it is necessary to share Merchant, Partner, or Shopper Personal Data with them to support our Services. We may access, transfer, disclose, and/or preserve that Personal Data with consent or in the following circumstances.
        Compliance. If we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: (i) comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; or (ii) protect the rights or property of Connections Insurance Group, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the Services.
        Protection. If we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: (i) protect Merchants, Partners, Shoppers, or visitors; for example, to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of our Services, or in response to threats of safety of any person; (ii) operate and maintain the security of our products, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks.
        Affiliates. We share Personal Data among Connections Insurance Group-controlled affiliates and subsidiaries.
        Service Providers.Connections Insurance Group.com may use from time to time a limited number of third-party service providers, contractors, and other businesses to assist us in providing our Services for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
        Payment Processing. We share payment data with banks and other entities that process payment transactions or provide other financial services, and for fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.
        Apps. Upon receiving a Merchant’s consent to install an application, we will share the Merchant’s Contact Information with the app Partner.
        Merger; Sale. We may also disclose Personal Data as part of a corporate transaction such as a merger or sale of assets.
    Automated Decision-Making.
    Some Personal Data may be used in Automated Decision Making to help us screen accounts for risk, fraud, or abuse concerns.
    Mobile Subscriber Information.
Your Mobile Information will NEVER be shared with other parties under any circumstances. This includes no sharing with third parties, affiliates, or for marketing or promotional purposes.

Text Messages

By clicking here and submitting a completed form you authorize us to contact you, including by sending text messages directly or through a conduit text messaging service and other communications to a cell phone using an automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial or prerecorded voice message, at any number you provide. You acknowledge that any text messages or prerecorded messages sent by us may contain sales or marketing content. You may revoke your consent for us to contact you at a specified telephone number by communicating your revocation to us through any reasonable means.

    Cookies can be used to recognize you when you visit our Website, remember your preferences, and give you a personalized experience. Third party integrations on our Website also use Cookies. By using our Website or Services, you are agreeing to the use of Cookies and similar technologies for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. It possible to disable Cookies through your device or browser settings, but doing so may affect your ability to use the Website. The method for disabling Cookies may vary by device and browser, but can usually be found in preferences or security settings. To find out more about Cookies, including how to see what Cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit allaboutcookies.org, or aboutcookies.org. Because there is no consistent industry understanding of how to respond to “Do Not Track” signals, we do not alter our data collection and usage practices when we detect such a signal from your browser.
    Information Protection.
        We maintain administrative, technical, and physical security measures designed to provide reasonable protection for Personal Data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, loss, and misuse. These security measures include access controls, encryption, and firewalls. We are certified as a PCI DSS Level 1 compliant service provider, which is the highest level of compliance available, and our platform is audited annually by an independent third-party qualified security assessor. Unfortunately, no method of Internet use, data transmission, or electronic storage is completely secure, so we cannot guarantee the absolute security of Personal Data.
        While we are dedicated to securing our Website and Services, you are responsible for securing and maintaining the privacy of your passwords and account information. We are not responsible for protecting Personal Data shared with a third-party based on an account connection that you have authorized.
    Accountability for Onward Transfer.
        Privacy Shield. We provide services around the world. To provide our Services, it may be necessary to transmit Personal Data outside of the country, state, or province where the data was received. As a participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, we are subject to the regulatory and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
        Data Processors. We will only share or disclose Personal Data to Processors that we have contractually obligated to provide at least the same level of privacy protection required by the principles underlying the Privacy Shield. Furthermore, we will obligate any Processor to the specified, explicit and legitimate purposes consistent with your consent.
        Remedial Measures. If we learn Personal Data is not protected according to our contract, or is being processed beyond your consent, we will take reasonable steps to protect your information and/or cease its illegitimate processing.
    Access to Your Personal Data.
        We understand that you have rights over your Personal Data, and provide reasonable steps to allow you to access, correct, amend, delete, port, or limit the use of your Personal Data. This includes the right to withdraw, at any time, your consent for our collection and use. Additionally, you may have the right to make a complaint with the Data Protection Authority in your country.
        Merchants, Shoppers, and Partners are able to update many types of collected Personal Data directly within their accounts. Please contact us if you are unable to access or otherwise change your Personal Data within your account, or if you are concerned about other data collected.
        Shoppers, we are a Processor to your Merchant. You may also wish to contact your Merchant(s) directly regarding your Personal Data they have collected. We can only forward your request to them. Any deletion or limitation on the use of your Personal Data may negatively affect your use of our Services.
    Enforcement; Recourse.
    In compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles, Connections Insurance Group.com commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information. EU and Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our Privacy Shield policy should first contact Connections Insurance Group.com
at: info@Connections Insurance Group.com
    Connections Insurance Group.com LLC.
    3400 1st Street Ste A
    Idaho Falls, ID 83401
    Attention: General Counsel
Connections Insurance Group.com will respond to any such inquiries or complaints within forty-five (45) days.

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